7th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (Scopus Indexed)
Event on: November | 14-15 | 2022
Hotel Isola Sacra Rome Airport, Rome, Italy
Nanoengineering is the engineering field concentrated on the study, development and refinement of accoutrements at a veritably small scale. It can be supposed of as the practical application of nanoscience, similar to how mechanical engineering applies the principles of physics. The operations of nanotechnology, generally incorporate industrial, medicinal, and energy uses. These include more durable construction accoutrements, remedial drug delivery, and advanced density hydrogen fuel cells that are environmentally friendly.
Related Tags: Nano Electronic Engineering Session | Nano Electronic Engineering Webinar | Nano Engineering Applications Meeting in Singapore | Nano Engineering Conference 2022 | Nano Engineering Congress 2022 | Nano Engineering in Biomedicine Congress | Nano Engineering in Science Conference USA | Nano Engineering Insights Webinar | Nano Engineering Products Workshop | Nano Engineering Virtual Conference | Nanotechnology and Biomedical Engineering Session | Nanotechnology for Energy Engineering Hybrid Event | Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering Conference in Singapore | Nanotechnology in Engineering Meeting in Paris | Congress on Material Science Engineering
Related Associations: Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) | Asian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association | Nanotechnology Society - Oxford SU | National Geographic Society | Nanotechnology: Associations | The Australian Nanotechnology Network | Nano and Advanced Materials Working Group | AIHA | Florida Association for Nanotechnology | European Nano science and Nanotechnology Association