7th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (Scopus Indexed)
Event on: November | 14-15 | 2022
Hotel Isola Sacra Rome Airport, Rome, Italy
The characterization of nanoparticles is a branch of nanometrology that deals with the characterization, or dimension, of the physical and chemical properties of nanoparticles. Nano manufacturing is both the production of nanoscaled accoutrements, which can be powders or fluids, and the manufacturing of parts" bottom up"from nanoscaled accoutrements or"top down"in slightest way for high precision, used in several technologies similar as laser ablation, etching and others.
Related Tags: Additive Nanomanufacturing Conference | Forging Manufacturing Process Meeting in India | Nanocharacterization and Nanomanufacturing Hybrid Event 2022 | Nanomanufacturing and Nanocharacterization Congress 2022 | Nanomanufacturing in Production Webinar in Spain | Nanomanufacturing Industry Event | Nanomanufacturing International Workshop in UK | Smart Material for Manufacturing Session 2022
Related Associations: NIA - Nanotechnology Industries Association - ISO | Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization | The British Society for Nanomedicine | Nano and Society | NNCI | Malaysia Nanotechnology Association | Nano Molecular Society | The ALS Association | Nanotechnology Industries Association aisbl (Belgium) - ZSI | Negative effects of nanotechnology on society | Nanoasociace | Taiwan Nanotechnology Industry Development Association